Everything You Need to Know About Privacy Fences
Protecting Your Privacy Takes Some Planning
A privacy fence can improve your home’s comfort and curbside appeal, but there are several factors you need to consider before you can start building. For example, does your neighborhood or homeowner’s association have any style regulations? Is privacy your only concern, or does your fence need to be secure as well? Should it be attractive from both sides? Are you absolutely sure you know where your property lines begin and end? Below is the full list of everything you need to think about before installing a new fence.
Know Your Limits
Many cities enforce zoning codes that limit the height of fences. They may also have other rules such as requiring fences to be a certain distance from the property line. Historic districts and brand new developments can be especially particular about which styles they allow. Touch base with your local government’s zoning department so that you know what your options are.
Talk to Your Neighbors
Since they’ll see your new fence every day, be polite and give your neighbors some advance notice. Most importantly, make sure you agree on the location of your property lines, and offer to bring in a surveyor if you need to.
Know Your Goals
Since your plan is to block public view into your home, you should use framed panels, pickets or carefully placed vertical boards for your fence. The standard height for a privacy fence or a security fence is 6 feet if your local laws will allow it. If you want your fence to keep people out of your yard, make sure any horizontal rails are facing inward and pickets face outward to discourage climbers.
Choose Your Materials Wisely
Aside from aesthetics, your fence’s material will affect the cost, warranty and the amount of upkeep needed. For example, while wood is wonderful, it may need to be repainted and stained every three to five years to effectively guard against insects, decay and sun damage. Vinyl is a lower maintenance alternative that comes in a variety of colors.
Leave the Rest to Hastie Fence
Now that you’ve done all the prep work, let Hastie Fence handle the hard part. With three-and-a-half decades of experience building barriers in New England, our technicians are experts at custom fabrication and prompt installation. In addition to beautiful wood, we carry an array of alternative materials for fences and security gates of all types. Once you’ve gathered all of the information you need, contact us for a free consultation to start planning for your privacy fence.